Thursday, January 1, 2015


I figured a fresh start on this blog was in order. My last sappy ass post of a guy who blew me off on a date in October of 2013 should be all but obliterated from my past. His standing me up led me to something better.

Now, I've known this man almost a year (we're short a week or two of that right now) and I must say that I'm absolutely head over heels in love with him.
He doesn't live too far away. 3 1/2 hours across the border to the North. He's kind. Handsome. Talented and sincere. He's entirely honest (and it sometimes sucks, but I respect that) and he has said that he loves me, too.

2015 should be a better year than 2014. I mean, sure, it was great in and of itself except for 6 months I was wicked depressed with the way my job was going and my general dislike for how strict my then supervisor was towards me. That supervisor made it worse. I ended up leaving nothing personal behind at work and everyone was under the assumption every day I may have quit until I walked in the door.

My daughter is now a young woman in every way. Tall, skinny and intelligent. She's got the prospects of being near 6 feet tall which is awesome. I wouldn't object were she to take after her grandfather and aunt in that regard. Too tall for my liking, but, if she can rock it go kiddo.

I didn't make any resolutions because honestly, who except for a select few follow them through on a year to year basis? I know what I want to do, but if I don't *do* it verbatim, I won't shit bricks. I'm going to just continue to live and love and enjoy my trips to Toronto until one day he (hopefully) asks me to never leave and we three begin a new journey together. With him, for once, I do see a future. I see at least another child.

My last time I was up there, I woke up in the middle of the night. We had fallen asleep in each others arms and normally that pans out for crap once one or both parties conk. It had been several hours, actually, by my squinting at the clock across the room we'd been down for at least 4 hours. The magic was when I woke, we were still tight in each other's arms. A feat, he states, is something he never did with his ex-wife.

I'm already preparing my next venture up. Leaving early in the morning, leaving to head home later in the evening just to stretch out our time by a few hours if at all possible.

My only goal this year is to find a better job IF I can. The call centre is not a career. It's a pathetic 'never getting a pay raise' job that when you're hired you're told, "You're our front line, our soldiers. The ones we have to back up."
Translation: You're the bitches that get treated like shit, then when the customer isn't happy, we parade in and try to resolve where you likely fucked up or couldn't do what they wanted.
All centres are like that. They want us to upsell products to sellers but won't even allow us to get an additional discount on the product or offer freebies once in a while. No. We have to get permission to order, have no access to our account and can't even know our log in details. Talk about trust issues.

Meanwhile. Hopefully this year I'll be pregnant again and maybe at the end of 2015 be introducing you all to a new son or daughter.

We'll see.

Day to day.

Happy New Year.
I promise I'll be using this more.

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